Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rash Trumps Heart

We showed up at the hospital on Sunday morning to check in Little Kate. I was so comforted to find that all of the nurses in the pediatric ward, along with our surgeon, remembered Kate from her first surgery. I know that these amazing folks see hundreds, maybe thousands, of patients and families, so it was really warming to walk into that welcome. We were there just long enough for some initial tests, and for Kate to pull off one of the sensors (let's hear it for her dexterity!), when her surgeon came into the room to see her. He almost instantly noticed a diaper rash on the top of her leg and told me that they couldn't do her surgery because of it. At first, I thought he was kidding, then I realized that a pediatric cardiac surgeon probably never kids. I was stunned. He explained that they would need to have access to that area for an IV, and the rash would carry a risk of infection which could have devastating results. So, that was it. They sent us home.

I am so comforted to know that the surgeon is so thorough and so cautious with Kate (and I'm sure with all of his patients). We are blessed to have Kate's surgery at a good hospital with great doctors. Her new surgery date is August 10. She will go into the hospital the day before for all the preliminary tests. And hopefully, there will be no rash that day.

So for now, she has 2 more weeks to get even stronger and grow a little more. She is so close to sitting up and is really working on crawling, so I'm sure that she will put these next two weeks to good use.

Thanks for keeping her in your thoughts.

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