Monday, August 9, 2010

night before

We checked Little Kate into the hospital this morning for her surgery tomorrow morning. It's a tough night for me.

So here's what is happening tomorrow. Her surgery is the first of the day, so they'll take her down around 6:30. The surgery will take about 7 hours. In that time, they will basically rebuild the walls of her heart and split her single valve into 2 separate valves. They will try to use some of the outer sac of the heart to rebuild some of the walls, but probably will end up using goretex for this. The two valves are made from the one valve that is currently there. After they are certain that everything is working, they will wire and stitch her back together. All of this happens at UCSF, she is in good hands.

Kate was doing just fine today, she spent most of the day giggling and blowing kisses at the doctors and nurses. She's in good spirits and is strong. I stayed with her until she fell asleep and then came home to sleep myself. Brandi and I will head back to the hospital before sunrise, and Rhys will spend the day with his Grandma.

It was hard coming home tonight. It wouldn't have been any easier though to stay. Tomorrow is a hopeful day, and I know that the point of it is all positive. It's still scary, even though I know it is best for her. It is so hard sending such a tiny baby in to something so big. We just have hope and faith.

So please send your best thoughts and prayers to Kate tomorrow. We'll keep you updated.
Much love,
Team Kate

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