Thursday, August 19, 2010


Little Kate came home today!!!!!

What a celebration! And what a journey! Seriously, looking at her today, you would never know that 9 days ago her heart was rebuilt. That 8 days ago she was miserably uncomfortable. That 7 days ago she was nowhere near smiling...Today, you'd look and see a smiling, giggling, cooing, flirting little squirt who is already back to playing with her big brother and tugging on her favorite labrador for kisses. Grandma Diane is finally getting to snuggle her forever and is completely adoring every moment.

Just fyi, Kate chose today's music. The last week, I've tried to thematically match the tunes to the post. Today, I was hunting for a song of celebration. Song after song got no reaction from Kate. But when I chose "Everybody Dance Now" she started to wiggle and groove, and then she started to completely giggle and couldn't stop. Perfect.

Thank you for all of your thoughts, prayers, notes, emails, comments, likes, and most of all, love.

Kate is an incredibly special little girl who I know will fill this world with pure love. I am glad she has touched your heart.

Much love,
Hallie, Brandi, Rhys, and Kate (and of course, Dodger!)

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