Friday, August 27, 2010

Burnin' for you

Well, evidently Kate was missing all the attention she got from the hospital nurses, so she cooked up a plan to go back.

Last night I cam home from a great first night's class to find Brandi looking pretty exhausted and Kate looking pretty restless. But oh, the night had just begun. A mild fever kept her hot, sweaty, irritable and just generally loud and fussy. All night. Did I say all night? Yep, all night. By 7am, her fever was only going up and it crossed over that threshhold that the nurse had told us when she was discharged. So I called the advice nurse. 30 minutes later, i was checking in with Little Kate at the ER.

Did I mention she was awake all night? Well, y'all also know what that implies...I was too. Just sayin'.

So back to the 2, she had finished a chest xray, echocardiogram, an array of blood tests, seen 2 pediatricians and her cardiologist. And, nobody could figure anything, except that she was hot. So the admitted her out of an abundance of caution.

I like that they use that abundance of caution. She is blessed to get this kind of care. So now, she pretty much just being watched. Her fever is up and down and up and down and up and down. But the good news is that she did finally rest...but not until about 7 pm. (Which of course means taht now that it is midnight and I am ready to collapse from being tired that she will now be wide awake! But alas! There is a wonderful nurse here tonight to help answer those midnight cries who is a bit more used to the night shift than I am.

She won't go home until the fever subsides. We are hoping that it goes away with the same manner that it came...quickly. I'd sure like to be back home tomorrow.

We'll keep you posted. Much love,
Team Kate

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